Let me show you this Interview with Michael Cheney from the AdSense-Videos.com
Q. So what made you get started with AdSense?
A. I was looking for a way to monetize some of my websites. AdSense is such an easy thing to get started with the eye for it would be a great way to start earning more money without actually putting into much more effort. I think as soon as you see the first earnings coming into your account you get addicted to AdSense.
"AdSense |
Q. How much do you make with AdSense?
A. Some days I can earn close to $1000 and others it's less than that. But it all comes down to how much time and effort you devote to creating a quality site that people like visiting. AdSense is not what my business is based on by any means - but it is a great way to earn revenue almost on autopilot.
Q. What is the biggest mistake people making with AdSense?
A. Probably the biggest mistake people make is thinking the AdSense earnings are easy to achieve. It is very easy to get started but as I learned it takes a lot of effort to increase your earnings. I got really downhearted whenever I would log in to my account to see that I had only made a few dollars. And that's when I decided to spend months and months of my time learning everything I could about AdSense.
I basically buried myself away and devoured every single piece of AdSense information
This is why I'd decided to record the videos - because I knew that it would help people who were in my position to also increase their earnings. I've read an absolute ton of AdSense e-book's but they take so long to go through and always seem to keep information back.
With ''Michael Cheney's AdSense Videos'' I knew that I had to tell the story exactly as it is and actually show people and lead them by the hand through the exact techniques that I use to generate large earnings from AdSense.
Q. In your videos you show people how to increase their AdSense earnings - can you give us a taster of this advice?
A. I don't want to give away my biggest secrets as you can understand! But some of the more basic things that you can do to increase your revenues include using ads that blend in rather than stand out from your content. Flat out the worst thing you can do with an AdSense ad is make it look like the standard Google ad. What you need to realise is that you will get more clicks if your ad actually appears part of your site rather than something that's just been dropped into the page.
Q. What would you recommend that someone do right now to increase their AdSense earnings?
A. I've created a totally free AdSense minicourse that people can go through to learn some of my techniques. It takes you through the four cornerstone principles that I've used to build up my AdSense empire. You can check it out, as well as all the AdSense Videos, here:
Michael Cheney's AdSense Videos
Labels: An Interview with Michael Cheney